One of the best things about owning rats (aside from them of course) is the rat community. And the best place to meet those people is rat shows! I always look forward to show days because even if my rats don't place high or if I don't enter them at all, it's a good day.
I am currently on the training scheme to become a judge and I'm loving every minute learning about the process!
Showing rats is not only a fun day out filled with like-minded rat people, but a really important tool to ensure that as a fancy we are breeding good quality rats without extreme type/confirmation issues and rats that make great pets. Therefore, generally most (but not all) entries will be from breeders.
I aim for this page of my website to help anyone interested in showing rats get accurate information. But also a place where I can share the successes of my own rats.
The varieties section of a show judges rats on their physical features and health. In order to do well, the rat in question must be fit and healthy, have good type, correspond well with their variety standard and be handleable. The highest prize a rat can win in varieties would be Best in Show.
In order to do well in this section of a show, a rat must be a good pet, handleable and enjoy the interaction with the judge. In the pet schedule of some of the rat clubs health, condition and presentation are considered too. The highest prize in this section would be Best Pet.
Shows are ran by multiple rat clubs around the UK. The National Fancy Rat Society (NFRS) is the national club which maintains the standards and variety judges. Then there are multiple regional clubs who each have slightly different aims. NERS (North of England Rat Society) run their own pet schedule that is different to the other clubs. MRC (Midlands Rat Club) focuses on running family friendly shows that are a good day out; they also run a section for other small furries as an add on to their pets section. The LSCMRC (London and Southern Counties Mouse and Rat Club) host joint rat and mouse shows and is actually older than the NFRS. Finally, the PRC (Peninsular Rat Club) host fun pet only shows. All these clubs are run by volunteers and could always do with your help!
Almost all of the time rats who go to shows enjoy the attention and sleep the rest of the day. If a rat appears stressed on the day, then they will be withdrawn and given back to their owner and not be shown again afterwards. This is very rare though as owners know their rats well and do not bring rats who are prone to stress or do not like human interaction.
Of course! As long as your rats are happy to be handled by strangers and are in healthy condition they can be entered into either section of a show. If you are unsure of the variety of your rat, enter them in pets and get an experts opinion on which class they should be entered in.
Each club has their own show calendar and way of entering. Check their website, social media or the NFRS forum for details of when and where shows are. How to enter will be listed on there too, if you still have questions then reach out via email to get it sorted. If it is your first time often you can hire show tanks before you decide to purchase your own.
The little dots are a code to help stewards find the correct rat for each ascending challenge. Red corresponds to 1st place, blue to 2nd, yellow to 3rd and green to 4th. A handy rhyme to remember the order is 'Rats Bring You Gladness'!
Generally shows open around 10am, and judging starts around 11am. The judging usually is completed by 5pm when the hall will be cleared by the people who have attended. Afterwards, awards will be presented. Sometimes shows run earlier or later than this depending on the size of the entry.
Some people chose to give their rats a name other than their pet name for shows and other awards. If the rat is from a breeder, it will start with their rattery/stud name as a prefix. Some people chose a longer phrase or pun that goes with the rat's pet name. Usually they aren't too long so that the show sec's arm doesn't fall off on show day. For example, my rat Alduin who is from Rainmaker has a show name that is Rainmaker World Eater. Yes, that is from Elder Scrolls.
There are many jobs that need to be done at a show. If you are newer to showing I recommend volunteering to scribe for one of the judges or help out in the kitchen; the other roles require you to know a little more about how the day works. Scribing entails writing down the critiques for the judge, and helping in the kitchen is vital to keep everyone fed and watered during the day.
No, you can just pop in for a quick look and a chat if you aren't entering rats. If you have rats entered you can leave and come back; everyone in that room is passionate about rats and will take good care of your rats, if any issues arise the show sec will let you know.
Sometimes there will be. Often at NERS shows there will be a 'Cuddle Corner' where a member brings a small cage and some friendly rats for you to meet and interact with. At MRC shows, people usually bring some rats as 'shoulder rats' to keep them company throughout the day, and people may be kind enough to share with you. Sometimes other shows allow shoulder rats however, since covid the rules have become a little tighter.
Sometimes this does happen, most commonly with minor things like scratches, lice or abscesses. Occasionally, they may be more serious things. If they are deemed serious enough to call for a disqualification then you will be let know by the show secretary.
Grover - Rainmaker Half a Goat in Ur Pants
1st Adult Owned Buck Adult
1st Adult Owned Buck
2nd Adult Owned Pet
3rd Best Pet
Maccabee - Miracle of Lights
1st Adult Owned Veteran Buck
1st Adult Owned Buck
1st Adult Owned Pet
Best Pet
Best Rescue
Osiris - Phoenix Of The Dark Age
1st Buck 12-18 Months
5th Buck Challenge
Best Rescue
Cinna - Rattie Asylum The Mockingjay's Stylist
1st Buck 6-12 Months
1st Buck Challenge
4th Pet Challenge
Most Relaxed
Tuches - Kinra Butt Slap
1st Adult Owned Adult Buck
1st Adult Owned Buck
2nd Adult Owned Pet
3rd Pet Challenge
Alduin - Rainmaker World Eater
1st Adult Owned Veteran Buck
2nd Adult Owned Buck
3rd Adult Owned Pet
Alduin - Rainmaker World Eater
3rd Burmese Adult
1st Stud Buck
1st Buck 12-18 Months
4th Buck Challenge
6th Pet Challenge
Tuches - Kinra Butt Slap
1st Buck 6-12 Months
3rd Buck Challenge
5th Pet Challenge