These 7 bucks live together in a bioactive Little Zoo Venturer! This group are pets only (so far), most will not have a physical role in my breeding programme but they did inspire it. My plan is to phase out this group of pet only rats as my breeding programme grows: this isn't to say that my breeding rats will be any less my pets, just that these boys are pet *only*. In the future, I do hope to be able to home the odd pair of rats from other breeders to be solely pets.
DOB: 15/08/2022
Tuches is a calm and dependable rat. He doesn't often stand out because of how well he blends into the group. He is very sweet and another star at shows, perhaps down to his beautiful odd eyes.
DOB: 16/07/2023
Asriel was a dramatic baby but has grown up to be a very sweet handsome buck. He is pretty independent but does love attention and the chance for some mischief.
DOB: 16/07/2023
I was worried that I'd never be able to tell him apart form his half-brother Arkay, but then he went and got a ginormous tear in his ear. That sorted that lol. He is a little more reserved and very independent.
DOB: 01/05/2023
Toast came to us after a friend decided that her rat keeping journey was coming to an end. He's much more of a rat's rat but he does enjoy some attention at the cage bars, so long as you don't touch him.
DOB: 01/05/2023
Tiffin came to us after a friend decided that her rat keeping journey was coming to a end for now. He is a quirky boy with a history of odd neurological symptoms. He shows his love by nipping and has really opened up to us.
DOB: 01/07/2024
Grover is a sweet sweet boy and loves us as much as we love him. He loves to just stand there and spin the wheel rather than run on it, weird I know.
DOB: 01/07/2024
Kiryu is a squish, absolutely obsessed with his people. He also is interested in being a nail tech when he grows up, I wouldn't recommend though. I think he's just truly gorgeous.
This doe group is currently mostly pet does, but now my breeding foundations are a part of it too. It currently consists of 4 rescues, 3 pets from other breeders and my 3 foundations from Alpha Centauri, plus a neutered buck. They live in a bioactive Little Zoo Venturer, just like the bucks. I originally just kept bucks and so having established groups of both sexes is an interesting change. I'm excited to see how I find mixed sex groups as people really love them.
DOB: 08/02/2024
Azura is a fast and active rat who screams Kinra from her temperament. She is sweet, confident, and very norty. She will take any chance she can get for an escape.
DOB: 08/02/2024
Godiva is very sweet and active; running on a wheel is one of her favourite past times. She is a little kooky and I love her for it. She is cheeky and loves attention.
DOB: 09/07/2023
Nocturnal is a a bit flighty and sits like a bird so has gained the nickname Birdie. She's dainty and sweet and very cute.
DOB: 01/11/2022
Perdita requires that treats be handed out in twos, one simply isn't enough. She is very sweet and very handleable for a rescue.
DOB: 15/07/2023
Arkay is has grown massively in confidence since being a pretty nervous baby. Like his uncle Ezio, he likes people but prefers not to be picked up. He is pretty naughty too, and has been neutered for his crimes.
DOB: 07/05/2024
Mara started off quite shy but it now part of a trio who begs for attention when you go near the cage. She is friendly and always up for some mischief. Her and her sister came from an emergency rescue situation where they were living with bucks!
DOB: 07/05/2024
She is very active, love love loves to run on the wheel. She is friendly and has been known to melt in the hands of the right person. Sashimi has micropthalmia, which means she has a small eye. She was rescued from living with bucks!
DOB: 22/06/2023
Cheeky is a wonderfully loving a cuddly rat. She really enjoys a good long snuggle with her human or any human for that matter. She came here for friends after she lost her cagemates.
DOB: 21/11/2024
DOB: 21/11/2024
DOB: 21/11/2024