Welcome to Faithful Rattos!
Because we all love rats, right?
Because we all love rats, right?
My name is Ashley and I'm the face behind Faithful Rattos. I currently work in a primary school as an academic mentor but every other second of my day is filled with rats! I post videos on YouTube to share my knowledge and experiences and I'm about to embark on a brand new and exciting journey... Starting my own breeding project.
My hope is that this website can host written accounts and information regarding my rat keeping and breeding. Please do get in touch either by email or on my social media if there is anything you think might be useful to add.
In 2020, I started out like any pet owner who knows nothing does; two babies from P@H and not very much knowledge. How that changed!
After taking part the online rat keeping community and the rat fancy, I soon learned that there was so much that I didn't know. I became passionate about learning all I could about rats, their care and everything about them. I had some high highs and some low lows with my rats over those 3 years.
At the start of 2024, after lots of time preparing and planning, I embarked on my biggest adventure with my rats so far. Breeding...
If you have any queries such as wanting to home some of my rats, questions about rat care or anything else; please email me.